Photo of a Parsnip Hotspot

Here’s a late-summer picture demonstrating the use of weed drying stations in management of wild parsnip.  See all the Christmas trees?  If you scroll down a few posts, you’ll see the same tree farm as a field of gorgeous yellow.  Lovely, unless you need to work in and among the lower-growing young trees.  So while I think of weed drying stations as a spot for piling plant material for sun-baking, a hotspot is simply a weed drying station that MAY contain some plants with viable seed.  It needs monitoring, absolutely, but I’ve achieved the goal of pulling them all into one specific place.  No seeds dropping all over the 9-acre property.  So we add onto weed drying stations all summer long, but at some point, viable seed becomes an issue.  That’s when we exercise real caution not to spread seed, but we still pull the plants and consolidate the risk in one station: a hotspot.

Wild parsnip pulled from the rows of Christmas trees and piled for drying.

Wild parsnip pulled from the rows of Christmas trees and piled for drying.

About choosewiselyvt

Working the great outdoors in central New England. Brilliant fun to be on the land and to meet great people while steadily rehabilitating natural systems.
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